The Cranky Ol' Bat

Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! - RuPaul


Anglosphere World Travel Bulletin Update!

(Can't think of a better term right now to lump all these guys under than "Anglosphere". Besides, it's fun to type "Anglosphere".)

Updated the links at the side to include a very useful page, courtesy of the Kiwis! (AKA New Zealand) This link from their Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade takes you to their very comprehensive listing of travel warnings for various countries around the globe, in a table format. Risks are broken down into "some risk", "high risk" and "extreme risk", and countries are listed alphabetically. And just like the Jet Set Chick, they even link to US, UK, Aussie & Canadian travel warnings.

By the way, if any New Zealanders are reading this in Pakistan, your guvmint wants you to get the hell outta

In other warnings....

Canada is warning its citizens to take care if attending the Summer University Games in Izmir, Turkey and the Catholic World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, due to risks of terrorist attacks when large groups of people congregate. No specific threats have been listed.

Australia is warning its citizens in Vietnam to get influenza antiviral treatment, such as Tamiflu, as a precaution due to outbreaks of Avian Flu.

The US State Department has issued travel warnings about traveling to Somalia, Algeria, and Egypt. Somalia is still dealing with a civil war, and now has an additional piracy problem off of its coast. Algeria and Egypt are facing threats from Islamic terrorists who like to kidnap and/or blow up people. Chad has been having problems with refugees from the Central African Republic and border tension with Sudan has increased. Highway bandits have attacked NGO and relief personnel, and three foreigners have been killed.

The UK has no comment.


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