The Cranky Ol' Bat

Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! - RuPaul


Score One for Southwest Airlines

A woman so obese that she required two seats lost her case against Southwest Airlines when she apparently annoyed everyone with her behavior.

One of the jurors said he initially sympathized with Nadine Thompson, but her lack of evidence that she was targeted because of her race (Thompson is black), plus the testimony of how rude she was to the Southwest employees when told she would need another ticket, convinced them to decide against her and for the airline. One of the jurors, Lance Hellman, stated they were particularly swayed by the testimony of one of the employees who claimed that the plaintiff called him "a racist (bleep)" .

That was the newspaper's choice of words, honest. Fill in the blank as you will.

Ms Thompson will not appeal the verdict, implying that the all-white jury was also racist.


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