The Cranky Ol' Bat

Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death! - RuPaul


Not Exactly "Summer Camp"

Wanna break the law? Lord knows I've been tempted, especially when I have had to deal with someone who, in my opinion, "needs killin'".

(First off, make sure you are doing a federal crime if you want to go to one of the nicer Graybar Hotels. State penitentiaries are not the kind of place for a gentle stay....I don't care what state you are in, they don't compare to federal prisons.)

You've decided you can do the time, so you did the crime. Now....where to serve out your sentence? Click here to find out where the experts recommend you repay society. The prison camps here offer everything from a bookmobile to paralegal training.

It's not like the old days, when there golf courses and lobster bakes at Eglin Federal Prison Camp, but it sure beats Sing Sing!


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