Remember a while back when I mentioned a product designed specifically for the long-legged passenger....the
Knee Defender?
Airbus is pitching a new "seating" option to some potential Asian airline customers for the A380, saying that it could possibly accommodate an additional 353 passengers on a plane that normally would seat about 500. Yes, that's a plane that theoretically could carry
853 passengers.
I don't even want to think about how long it would take to get all those butts and carryons off of that plane. Yeesh.
What is this miracle "seating", you ask?
Well....there's no seat. Passengers would be strapped in while standing up against a padded backboard.
Don't believe me? Click
here if you are a NY online reader (free registration), or if you prefer not to register, click
here for an edited version of the same article.
Could it happen here? Maybe. There is no FAA regulation that states you have to have a
seat, just that you have to be
secured, and able to reach the aisles in case of emergency exit.
I still wonder if this would be something the American flying public would want, however. On the plus side, no really huge passenger trying to squeeze into their seat and spilling over onto yours, not likely there would be a screaming child next to you, and no reclining problems, but on the other long are you willing to stand, and how much of a discount are they going to offer you to do it? Is it BYOB back there, or do you get served drinks and/or a snack like the guys in the seats?
My prediction for what's up toilets. 25 cents for the first three minutes, 25 cents for each minute after that....